The Unique Maps Co. Sales & Discounts

The Unique Maps Co. Sales & Discounts

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Handmade in the USA
The Unique Maps Co. makes maps in the USA and in 22 other countries around the world.
Fast free delivery, reduced CO2 emissions, no import duty, and your map always arrives in perfect condition.
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The Unique Maps Co. Spring Sale has ended!

I run two types of sale. Flash sales usually last 1-2 days and can end at any time. Seasonal sales usually run for a couple of weeks, but can end sooner if there's a deluge of orders.

If you are looking for a good deal, I have recently started selling excess stock at heavily discounted prices. Generally these are unwanted gifts and are in perfect or very good condition. Check the excess stock list and snap up a good deal!

My custom made maps are excluded from sales and discount codes. They take too long to make, and are very popular, so I end up with a giant backlog if I discount them.

If you're looking for a discount now, please use the code UM20 at checkout for 20% off. This will only work if you're a first time buyer.

If you're a returning customer, or looking to buy a lot of maps, please contact me and I'll create a personalised discount for you.

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